Why Choose Us

Our story starts with three industry experts with over 30 years of experience in the world of print and product personalization. Having previously run retail personalization businesses, we’ve gained invaluable experience in the needs, wants, and potential pain points of running an online business. Seeing the print-on-demand and personalization industries’ massive growth over the last decade has been something not many of us could have predicted. Now it’s something we’re at the forefront of.  

When we founded Cardzware, the Personalized greeting card app, we had one goal above all: to develop the best personalization software on the market for personalised greeting cards… and we’ve succeeded – Cardzware is now one of the most intuitive and user-friendly print-on-demand apps in the market. 

We understand the importance of forging lasting relationships with your customers. What better way to do that than by offering them a unique product that celebrates their special moments? That’s why we offer a quick-to-install and easy-to-use print-on-demand app that enables online retailers to sell personalized greeting cards to their customers. With multiple printing locations globally, we’re able to reduce the delivery lead times. Additionally, we reduce your carbon footprint by offering local production in the countries that we print in. 

We are a diverse company with team members in the United States, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Serbia, and Ukraine. We’re passionate about making it easy for retailers to increase their revenue so why not get in touch or install one of our apps today.